Best Weight Loss Programs and Diets That Work
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Best Weight Loss Programs

The best weight loss programs (Editor's picks - subject to change) as at




Nutritionally sound and extremely customizable, DietWatch is an excellent program.

Using DietWatch is straight-forward, and they have now introduced a 12 week emotional eating course. Highly Recommended.

Suitable if you: Aren't interested in all the different 'fad' diets and diet books, and want a diet that is more than just meal plans.

»Go there now or read DietWatch review...


Sonoma Diet

A new mediterranean diet that brings balance, good food and wine, and a gourmet feeling back into cooking for weight loss.

Suitable if you: Want a balanced diet that has few restrictions.
Not suitable if you: don't like cooking.

»Go there now or read Sonoma review...

3. - Personality-Based Diet

A unique on-line program combining nutritional and behavioral approaches.

Suitable if you: Realize that weight loss is more than a diet plan, and you need support in managing your eating.

»Go there now or read review...


Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

Extremely popular with men, this program addresses the three core principles of fat loss: nutrition, cardio, and weight training.

Suitable if you: Want to gain a little muscle mass while losing fat...
Not suitable if you: aren't motivated.

»Go there now or read the full review...


Weight Watchers

Continues to provide people with the support structure they need to achieve weight loss.

Suitable if you: Are looking for something with a proven track record.
Not suitable if you: aren't prepared to spend a little extra.

»Go there now or read the full review...


Best Meal Replacement Programs



The NutriSystem Nourish program is based on the Glycemic Index, and is all about portion-controlled meal plans. All meals are shipped to you. No cooking, no time spent figuring out calories and meal plans. Included in the charge is complete access to all on-line support tools.

The price for a 4 week food order works out to about $9 per day for all meals.

Suitable if you: Don't like counting points or calories or meal plans. Very good if you don't enjoy cooking or need help with portion size.
Not suitable if you: can't stand the taste of packaged foods.

»Go there now or read NutriSystem review...



At first we were skeptical about this low-calorie diet. However there has been enough positive feedback to justify this as an important and effective weight loss program.

Suitable if you: Are overwhelmed by your weight - or are more than 75 pounds overweight.
Not suitable if you: are only a little overweight.

»Go there now or read Medifast review...


Other Options

If you are looking to increase muscle tone - have a look at Burn the Fat - Feed the Muscle.

If you have overweight children or teens - try TrimKids (or read review)


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